How to Get Salary Ranges from Childcare Employers Before Negotiations

You’ve completed your initial interview with the company you’ve always wanted to work for, and shortly after, the hiring manager contacts you to arrange a second interview. Excitement fills you!

Yet, you find yourself in the dark about the salary range for the position. How can you ensure that the offered salary aligns with your requirements?

Discussing salaries can be a sensitive subject for numerous American workers, leading many to avoid negotiating altogether. However, here’s a valuable tip: obtaining the salary range from employers before entering into negotiations is feasible. Here’s a guide on how to accomplish that.

The Importance of Salary Negotiation

Fidelity Investments reports that 58% of Americans refrain from negotiating their salary. This indicates that over half of American workers may miss out on additional earnings. What’s more, this unintentional oversight contributes to the widening of the pay gap, particularly impacting women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and individuals from diverse racial backgrounds.

As we engage in more salary negotiations, we contribute to normalizing the practice, paving the way to address the pay gap and guarantee fair compensation for everyone.

Legal Requirements for Pay Transparency at the Local Level

2009 President Obama enacted the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a federal law mandating equal pay for equal work. Building on this, certain states and cities have gone beyond, passing legislation that compels companies to disclose compensation details in their job postings. Notable locations with such regulations include:

  • California
  • Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Jersey City, New Jersey
  • Washington

Irrespective of your state of residence, it’s crucial to understand that pay discrimination is strictly prohibited. If you’re a reader based in the U.S. and suspect you’re experiencing pay discrimination, reach out to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Hotline at 1-800-669-4000 to gain insights into your legal rights.

How to Get Salary Ranges From Employers Before Negotiation

Ensuring fair compensation for your work is essential. To avoid negotiating an inadequate salary, consider these tips on obtaining the salary range from employers before entering into negotiations.

  • Conduct Thorough Research

  • Prioritize research as your initial step. It’s crucial to comprehend your market value. Explore websites like to gauge your market rate based on location, education, and experience. Utilize the available tools and filters to determine a fair salary for your specific circumstances precisely.
  • For instance, if you’re a speech therapist in San Francisco, California, with five to six years of experience and a master’s degree, the average median salary is $109,803, ranging from $92,000 to $127,000. Armed with this information, you’ll know that an offer of $80,000 falls below the standard market rate, enabling you to negotiate a counteroffer effectively.
  • Consider Other Benefits

  • While ensuring your salary meets your financial needs is crucial, it’s equally important to consider supplementary benefits. Evaluate offerings like a hybrid work arrangement or paid time off.
  • Some employers may even assist in repaying student loans, freeing up your paycheck for other purposes. Assess the overall value of these non-monetary benefits when weighing a job offer beyond just the salary component.
  • Ask the Salary Range

  • As you progress to subsequent interview rounds, it’s entirely acceptable to inquire about the salary range from the hiring manager. This proactive step helps prevent the potential scenario of receiving a job offer with compensation significantly below your salary expectations.
  • Similarly, it safeguards the prospective employer from reaching the final stages of the interview process only to discover that they may not be able to meet your salary requirements. While it may feel awkward, asking about the salary range can save both parties a considerable amount of time.
  • Know When to Walk Away

  • When the employer presents a lowball offer and shows reluctance to adjust the figures, it’s crucial to reflect on whether you genuinely want to engage in a job where you are knowingly undervalued.
  • You must not concentrate all your efforts on a single opportunity during negotiations. Continue applying and interviewing for other roles. Through perseverance, you increase the likelihood of securing a job where your work and experience are duly compensated.

Get Fairly Compensated for Your Work

Engaging in salary discussions with a potential employer may make you feel uneasy, yet negotiating is essential for ensuring fair payment for your work. Conduct thorough research, and don’t hesitate to inquire about the salary range to evaluate if the job aligns with your expectations and the employer’s.

If you’re seeking a higher-paying job, consider exploring opportunities on our scam-free job board, exclusively available to FlexJobs members. Discover the advantages of a Circle Time Jobs membership today and ease your search for a full-time or part-time job.